Best gaming emulators on Chromebook
Emulators becoming more and more popular in our days, and people want to go back in time and play the games that we used to play. With today's emulator settings, you can make even the old-school poor graphic HD quality.So for people out there who love old-school gaming or just simply want to experience emulators on their Chromebooks, I created this list of emulators that I personally used in my Chromebook.
Let's get straight into it.
One of probably the best emulators out there. As you probably guess from the title it's a PSP emulator. What I like the most about this emulator is that it lets you change lots of things from the settings option. You can easily map your keyboard or even connect the joystick to your Chromebook. The only thing is, it really depends on your machine what games will run smoothly. Some games run perfectly fast but some others lag. So you need to play around in settings to find the right settings for you. I will probably make a separate blog about this app and how to make games look HD.
2. Retroarch
If you love playing emulators, you probably have either tried this app or heard about it. It's a very popular app that can let the player download other emulators inside the app. The downside is lots of people find this app to be a little bit confusing or hard to set up. If you are new to this app I would suggest you check tutorials on Youtube, there are a bunch of tutorials out there for this app. Retroarch can support PS1, GBA, SNES, etc just to name some.
3. ClassicBoy
So if you like the idea of a few emulators in one place, but you find retroarch a bit confusing, then this emulator Classicboy comes in handy. I personally used this emulator a lot. It's simple and easy to use. It supports PCSX-ReARMed, Beetle-PSX, Mupen64Plus, VBA-M, mGBA, Desmume, MelondS, Snes9x, FCEUmm, Genplus, Yabause, FB Alpha, MAME-arcade (0.78 and 0.139 romset), NeoPop, NeoCD, Stella, Beetle-PCE, Cygne, etc.
4. Dolphin
The Dolphin emulator permits you to emulate Game cube and Wii games. The only problem though is that not everygame will run smooth. I will try to create new blog with the list of games that runs good. It's easy to key maps and lot's of fun playing this game.
So this was my list of emulators that I personally use. Let me know on comment section if there are any good ones that I missed.